Katie Dudders
Co-Host of Sorgatron Media Master Feed
Katie Dudas is not only a veteran ScareHouse director, manager, and actor but an experienced paranormal investigator who has regularly explored some of Western Pennsylvania's most active paranormal hotspots ... including the dark halls and haunted history of our 100 year old building! Katie will reveal the fascinating history of our iconic home and share the creepiest moments of unexplained phenomenon observed by our cast, crew, and other investigators.
Katie Dudders has hosted 997 Episodes.
Wrestling Mayhem Show 577: Squiggly Foofoofarts v. Julio Slamaknockknock
June 28th, 2017 | 1 hr 16 mins
We’ve got Sorg, Larry, Chad the Shad and Dudders in studio, with Rizz and Mad Mike on the digital front for Wrestling Mayhem Show 577. The crew is talking about what’s happening in pro wrestling this week.
AwesomeCast 354: Inside Sauce
June 27th, 2017 | 59 mins 40 secs
We've got a full studio this week as Kim Lyons joins us on the couch! Sorg is back behind the desk, and Katie and Chilla take up their respective spots around the Slice on Broadway pizza box. It can only mean we're ready to talk what's new in tech this week for AwesomeCast 354.
ScareHouse Podcast 118: Members of 501st Garrison Carida Star Wars Troop
June 23rd, 2017 | 52 mins 10 secs
501st, dark side, dudders, empire strikes back, garrison carida, haunt, haunted house, katie dudas, katie dudders, nerds, new hope, pittsburgh, podcast, rebel legion, rebels, return of the jedi, scare house, scarehouse, scarehouse scott, scott simmons, star wars, the scarehouse
Creative Director Scott Simmons and Katie “Dudders” geek out with Tim Gregg, Dan Beltz, and Greg Ochaba, members of the 501st Garrison Carida over everything Star Wars. They talk about the 501st charity missions, what drew them to the group, their first Star Wars experience, and why Scott never saw the original Star Wars (New Hope) movie in theaters.
Wrestling Mayhem Show 576: Long Time Host, First Time Listener
June 21st, 2017 | 1 hr 12 mins
We’ve got Larry, Dudders, Chad the Shad and Mad Mike in studio for Wrestling Mayhem Show 576. And, if you pay attention to this week's host, you'll notice we've replaced Sorg with our very own Mayhem Mania correspondent and friend in the mainstream media - Matt. Our wrestling-loving crew is talking about what’s happening in pro wrestling this week.
Long Time Host, First Time Listener | Wrestling Mayhem Show 576
June 21st, 2017 | Season 11 | 1 hr 12 mins
pittsburgh, podcast
We’ve got Larry, Dudders, Chad the Shad and Mad Mike in studio for Wrestling Mayhem Show 576. And, if you pay attention to this week's host, you'll notice we've replaced Sorg with our very own Mayhem Mania correspondent and friend in the mainstream media - Matt. Our wrestling-loving crew is talking about what’s happening in pro wrestling this week.
AwesomeCast 353: Go On Without Me
June 20th, 2017 | 32 mins 59 secs
Sorg is in the middle of nowhere this week, so we’re back on Google Hangouts with him, Chilla and Katie. The gang talks what’s new in tech this week for AwesomeCast 353.
Indy Mayhem Show 165: Jake Garrett
June 15th, 2017 | 59 mins 34 secs
This week we talk with long time wrestler and booker for Black Diamond Wrestling , Jake Garrett to the show! We talk growing up on wrestling, training at Shane Douglas's ECW affiliated school, the history of Pittsburgh area wrestling promotions, booking for 11 years and the challenge of keeping it fresh in a typical indy wrestling promotion.
I Don't Deep Dive Doinks | Wrestling Mayhem Show 575
June 14th, 2017 | Season 11 | 1 hr 50 mins
pittsburgh, podcast
We’ve got Sorg, Larry, and Pro Wrestler/Booker Jake Garrett for Wrestling Mayhem Show 575, and they’re talking about what’s happening in pro wrestling this week.
ScareHouse Podcast 117: Allen and Shannon Hopps
June 12th, 2017 | 1 hr 27 mins
allen hopps, dark hour, dudders, haunt, haunt dawgs, haunted house, haunters hangout, katie dudas, katie dudders, pittsburgh, plano, podcast, props, scare house, scarehouse, scarehouse scott, scott simmons, shannon hopps, stiltbeast studios, texas, the scarehouse
Allen Hopps is the "Forrest Gump of the Haunted Attraction Industry" having contributed to several of America's iconic haunted attractions over the last 20 years. Days after high school graduation he drove a moped from Baltimore to Orlando to perform as an actor in a haunted house, and he's never regretted it for a moment since. Allen and his wife Shannon join ScareHouse Creative Director Scott Simmons and ScareHouse actress Jennifer Dallas for an inspiring and entertaining look back at the early days of the haunted attraction industry and a look forward to the new era of highly themed and immersive experiences.
Mid Week War 6/8/17: 205 Live!
June 8th, 2017 | 13 mins 30 secs
Mads Mike and Sorg talk about this week's 205 Live! We talk about the differences between a "No Fly Zone" and a "Fly Zone" Cedric Alexander finally confronts Noam Dar after returning from injury, Titus O'Neil tries to recruit Akira Tozawa for the Titus Brand, and TJP goes after Neville's championship.
AwesomeCast 351: Return of the Mac
June 6th, 2017 | 1 hr 8 mins
Sorg is on the road this week, but that’s not going to stop us from talking about this week’s tech news. Chilla and Katie join in to bring us this week’s tech news for AwesomeCast 351.
ScareHouse Podcast 116: Throwback to Jerry from Creepy Collection at 2015 Midwest Haunters Convention
June 5th, 2017 | 1 hr 3 mins
clowns, creepy, creepy collection, demons, dolls, dudders, haunt, haunted house, katie dudas, katie dudders, midwest haunters convention, pittsburgh, podcast, props, puppets, scare house, scarehouse, scarehouse scott, scott simmons, the scarehouse, zombie
Throwing it back to the 2015 Midwest Haunters Convention. Our former Director of Operations Crystal caught up with Jerry Dalessandro from Creepy Collection on the show floor.
Mid Week War 6/1/17: 205 Live
June 2nd, 2017 | 10 mins 40 secs
Mad Mike and Sorg talk about the go home show for 205 Live this week. We talk about Sasha Banks making her hair-raising debut. Drew Gulak continues his "No Fly Zone" campaign against Mustafa Ali. Austin Aries talks about "The Tap Heard Round The World."
Comic Book Pitt 253: Comic Book Podcasting Panel at 3 Rivers Comicon!
June 1st, 2017 | 39 mins 30 secs
3 rivers comicon, comic book, comic books, comicon, mcsoss, panel riot
Dan, Scott, and Shawn joined Ian, Paul, and Matt from the McSoss Podcast and Will from the Panel Riot Podcast last week at 3 Rivers Comicon. We had a great time getting to know each other, talking about our humble beginnings, and discussing the ups & downs of podcasting.
A Rightful Sacrifice | Wrestling Mayhem Show 573
May 31st, 2017 | Season 11 | 1 hr 26 mins
pittsburgh, podcast
We’ve got Sorg, Larry, Madmike, and Wheelz for Wrestling Mayhem Show 573, and they’re talking about what’s happening.
Sawtooth Willie 89: Introspection
May 30th, 2017 | 4 mins 18 secs
What’s in a name? Sawtooth’s friendly hobos, Savannah Nevada, his favorite color, the most delicious pigeon, sleep, and more as Sawtooth chats with James Ellermeyer of Fishing Without Bait!