AwesomeCast 354: Inside Sauce

Episode 2108 · June 27th, 2017 · 59 mins 40 secs
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About this Episode

We've got a full studio this week as Kim Lyons joins us on the couch! Sorg is back behind the desk, and Katie and Chilla take up their respective spots around the Slice on Broadway pizza box. It can only mean we're ready to talk what's new in tech this week for AwesomeCast 354, including:

Kim is sharing some fun information about what she's up to these days.
Kim is ready to roll with her Awesome Thing of the Week from the land down under.
Drones + Environment = Lim Lyons' Awesome Thing of the Week.
Chilla is sharing an indoor antenna from Mohu as his Awesome Thing of the Week.
Katie has an Awesome Thing of the Week (thanks to Mad Mike)! It's a ranch fountain!
Katie is thinking of the possibilities for a ranch fountain and some Slice on Broadway. #PeaceLoveAndRanch
Sorg's Awesome Thing of the Week is an AR replication of Super Mario in Central Park.
Thanks to Slice on Broadway for providing the perfect pepperoni pizza to support Podcast Day. (You can order online now!)
Chilla is bringing us this week's App of the Week with Lumafusion - the closest thing to Final Cut for mobile.
Adobe is talking about full functionality for Photoshop on mobile devices?
Thanks to Chris Whitlatch for sharing a new VR arcade (in Seattle) for this week's discussion.
While Sorg was in Nebraska, he learned he can check a VR unit out of the school library. Hmm.
Katie is sharing some snapmap information for us.
Snapmap can also help you figure out where everyone is with hot spot mapping options.
Instagram has location features similar to snapmap.
Kim brings us back to Pittsburgh with CMU initiatives for AI (because kids are smarter than we are).
We just figured out that CMU will be Skynet.
Uber - When Lyft isn't an option...
Does anything come out of MIT these days? Seems like all the cool kids are at CMU.
Star Wars trailer for The Last Jedi made on a 1984 Apple IIC.
Katie is closing out the show with porn again this week: the first standalone VR unit - that only plays porn.
Will you be in Pittsburgh this weekend? It's Anthrocon 2017 time! (We're so excited!)
Are you a musician? We'd love to talk updating our theme. Bonus points if you do it Mystery Science Theater style.

After the show remember to:

Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (

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