Wrestling Mayhem Show 577: Squiggly Foofoofarts v. Julio Slamaknockknock

Episode 2109 · June 28th, 2017 · 1 hr 16 mins
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About this Episode

We’ve got Sorg, Larry, Chad the Shad and Dudders in studio, with Rizz and Mad Mike on the digital front for Wrestling Mayhem Show 577. The crew is talking about what’s happening in pro wrestling this week, including:

We’re either talking Joy of Painting or GLOW.
Dammit DJ Lunchbox! You started all of this you dirty bastard!
We’re talking some GLOW, because that’s what we do when wrestling things are part of mainstream TV.
GLOW represents Indy Wrestling better than any of that Tough Enough stuff.
Sorg may have just learned that Awesome Kong is on GLOW.
We’re talking some of the GLOW stereotypes and how wrestling typecasts.
GLOW throws some reference to the Guerrero family.
GLOW – The Story of the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling is a great option for GLOW if you have younger viewers.
How many Lucha Underground faces have you seen on GLOW?
We’re loving Marc Maron as Sam Sylvia in GLOW.
Katie and Larry had an opportunity to check out Kaiju Big Battel this past weekend.
Kaiju Big Battel PLUS King of Trios? You may have actually HEARD our squees of joy.
Sea World Order is a thing. You really need to tune in to see what we’re talking about. You’ll appreciate it.
Mauro Ranallo is coming to NXT? Thank you WWE!
New show goal: Get blocked by Josh Matthews. We already are, but let us know if you join our elite club!
TNA talent has recently appeared on WWE. We’re talking about a few – including Maria and Mike Bennett.
Rizz is talking the Punjabi Prison Match, but he’s more excited about the Great Khali reference.
We just drew a line in the sand. We will not mess with Game of Thrones fans.
Sorg is thanking Slice for giving us amazing pizza AND a box that acts as a shield.
We found some photos on our old My Space page. If you find them, you’ll know what we’re talking about.
This week’s Big Question: What is your one cross-over angle for Lucha Underground and TNA for Slammiversary?
Squiggly Foofoofarts v. Julio Slamaknockknock
Guys! We have voicemail!
What did YOU learn from wrestling this week?
Follow our stable on Twitter: Sorg (@Sorgatron), Larry (@MutilatorLarry), Dudders (@Kdudders), Chad the Shad (@ChadTheShad) Mad Mike (@MadMike4883), and Rizz (@TheeRizz) this week!)

If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)

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