A Rightful Sacrifice | Wrestling Mayhem Show 573

Episode 37974 · May 31st, 2017 · 1 hr 26 mins
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About this Episode

    <p>We’ve got Sorg, Larry, Madmike, and Wheelz for Wrestling Mayhem Show 573, and they’re talking about what’s happening, including:</p>


We’re continuing our sad Enzo series on tonight’s show.
The Revival is working on their album.
We’ve got Sorg and Mad Mike doing Enzo and Cass impressions live on air.
Is Enzo violating the wellness policy – by not being well?
Kurt Angle needs the Fashion Police to crack his mystery.
Sorg turned the tables on Mad Mike with Two Truths and A Lie.
Our first Womens Money In The Bank? We have some thoughts.
We’ve got an over/under going on whether or not Natalya is legit hurt.
Wait…Renee Young wears a wig?
The Fashion Police went a new direction tonight.
Speaking of Fashion Police, Tyler Breeze in a dress. We’re thanking Southpaw Regional Wrestling for character dev.
Dear WWE, give us a Halloween special where you give us a Southpaw Wrestling holiday show for a night.
Southpaw characters come from the past into the present and do a Survivor Series match against some new gimmicks.
Who caught the R-Truth and Goldust segment?
We’re pitching Golden Summer with Summer as the new Marlena.
Is this Goldust’s retirement push?
We’re calling a Hollywood feud – Miz v Goldust.
Randy Orton apparently RKOd his kid this week.
How many RKOs can you get into a match? Someone tried testing that theory.
We’re talking about some Money In The Bank, because that’s still a thing.
Cody Rhodes defending Goldust on twitter made our day!
This week’s Big Question – inspired by Southpaw Wrestling – which previous gimmick would you revert someone to?
Do yourselves a favor – watch Luchasaurus. Sorg just derailed the show for it.
Sorg and the guys are breaking down Table of Three.
Extreme Rules is happening this weekend. We’re talking about some of our expectations.
Will we finally get Broken Hardys this weekend?
What did YOU learn from wrestling this week?
Follow our stable on Twitter: Sorg (@Sorgatron), Mad Mike (@madmike4883), Larry (@MutilatorLarry), and Wheelz (@HotwheelzRWA) !

If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)

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