Katie Dudders
Co-Host of Sorgatron Media Master Feed
Katie Dudas is not only a veteran ScareHouse director, manager, and actor but an experienced paranormal investigator who has regularly explored some of Western Pennsylvania's most active paranormal hotspots ... including the dark halls and haunted history of our 100 year old building! Katie will reveal the fascinating history of our iconic home and share the creepiest moments of unexplained phenomenon observed by our cast, crew, and other investigators.
Katie Dudders has hosted 997 Episodes.
Fishing Without Bait 113: Expectations and Social Media Health with Katie Dudas of The Scarehouse
October 31st, 2017 | 18 mins 54 secs
accomplishment, authentic self, fear, ghost hunting, make room for kids, social media
Katie Dudas is the Director of Sales and Marketing at The Scarehouse, and joins Jim Ellermeyer to discuss managing expectations in the world of customer service and the paranormal. She discusses more of her experiences and the tools, including malevolent entities, responding to possible danger, we talk about what Katie does when she’s not working around scary things, and working around Social Media.
Wrestling Mayhem Show 593: Fergal S. Pumpkin
October 25th, 2017 | 1 hr 27 mins
Marshall “The Bull” Gambino made his triumphant return to the show. He has a special treat for us with the recently reinstated High Stakes Championship belt. Otherwise, we’ve got Chad “the Enzo” with him on the sofa, Matt Carlins, Mutilator Larry, and Sorg. They’re bringing you this week’s wrestling news and insights.
Fishing Without Bait 112: Fear of The Scarehouse with Katie Dudas
October 24th, 2017 | 15 mins 28 secs
acrophobia, acting, death, fear, halloween, pubic speaking, zombies
Katie Dudas is the Director of Sales and Marketing at The Scarehouse, andjoins Jim Ellermeyer to discuss fear around Halloween and haunted houses like the one she works with. Katie discusses her experiences playing creepy dolls and zombies in her early days with the group. She discusses overcoming her own fears in attempting to act, heights, and public speaking. We also discuss a paranormal experience Katie had as a budding ghost hunter.
Midweek War Lucha Underground with Chris DeJoseph!
October 20th, 2017 | 2 hrs 6 mins
LIVE from Sorgatron Media Studio in Pittsburgh, PA! Mad Mike and Sorg talk about Lucha Underground with Co Executive Producer Chris DeJoseph! We ask the tough questions about Dario Cueto's relationships and current health, what got left on the cutting room floor of Season 3, how some characters evolved during dark matches (You won't believe what Martin the Moth almost became, and speculate at Season 4!
Braun Mode | Wrestling Mayhem Show 592
October 18th, 2017 | Season 11 | 1 hr 30 mins
pittsburgh, podcast
We’ve got a super special guest in studio this week – so super it’s even in his name! Super Hentai is on the sofa with Mainstream Mat. Sorg is on the switcher. And, we’ve got Mad Mike on the interwebs as we’re talking all the things in wrestling.
ScareHouse Podcast 124: Kip Polley Pale Night Productions Returns
September 28th, 2017 | 34 mins 28 secs
dudders, escape rooms, halloween, haunt, haunted house, katie dudas, katie dudders, kip polley, pale night productions, pittsburgh, podcast, props, ravens curse, scare house, scarehouse, scarehouse scott, scott simmons, the scarehouse, zombies
A few weeks before opening night, Creative Director Scott Simmons and Katie “Dudders” traveled to Beechview to Sorgatron Media Studios to record a long distance podcast with Kip Polley from Pale Night Productions. Kip was visiting the Southern Illinois Fair with one of his zombie puppets. They chatted with Kip about kids love of zombies, designing haunted attractions for guests of all ages, and being one of the leading innovators in the haunted attraction industry
The Champion We Deserve | Wrestling Mayhem Show 589
September 27th, 2017 | Season 11 | 1 hr 12 mins
pittsburgh, podcast
We’re back to our usual stable of Sorg, Chad the Shad, Mutilator Larry, and Bobby F J-Town as we talk this week in wrestling.
Basic Sorganomics: Loving to Work
September 26th, 2017 | 16 mins 3 secs
When you love to do what you do, it makes your work environment so much better. Mike and Missy talk about some of the things they’re working on, how they made the transition from working for someone else to working for themselves, and some of the things they do while working on projects.
World’s Strongest Soccer Mom | Wrestling Mayhem Show 588
September 20th, 2017 | Season 11 | 1 hr 18 mins
pittsburgh, podcast
The Locked 'n Loaded best-dressed guest ante has been accepted and upped. This week, we've got IWC rookie Calvin Couture in studio, and he brought his A-game, replete with his bow tie and sequinned jacket. He outshines, almost literally, our crew of Sorg, Chad the Shad, Mutilator Larry, and Bobby F J-Town as we talk this week in wrestling.
AwesomeCast 364: The Lowercase "i"s
September 12th, 2017 | 55 mins 17 secs
This week we’ve got Susan and Vance of Ohio Linuxfest in studio to share some news about their event at the end of the month. We’ve also got our usual cast of characters with Sorg, Katie, and Chilla as we talk about the obvious things – Apple updates!
My Wife's the Best Heel Ever | Wrestling Mayhem Show 586
September 6th, 2017 | Season 11 | 1 hr 23 mins
pittsburgh, podcast
This week we’ve got a drastic night-and-day difference from last week, but it’s a great show with Shirley Doe joining us in studio. Between the amazing stories and his great personality, we could go on talking about wrestling all night. Thanks to Producer Missy for keeping the mayhem under control as much as she can this week as she’s wrangling Sorg, Rob, Mad Mike, Chad the Shad, and Larry as they talk about all the things in wrestling this week.
ScareHouse Podcast 123: Ricky Brigante Founder of Inside the Magic
September 5th, 2017 | 35 mins 56 secs
Three weeks away from opening night, Creative Director Scott Simmons and Katie “Dudders” traveled to Sorgatron Media Studios in Beechview to record a long distance podcast with Ricky Brigante from Inside the Magic. Ricky talks about the challenge running Inside the Magic, his love of theme parks, immersive theater, and what’s next for the industry.
Wrestling Mayhem Show 585: Cesaro Saiyan
August 30th, 2017 | Season 11 | 1 hr 21 mins
pittsburgh, podcast
We've got the best-dressed tag team champions, Locked 'n Loaded in studio this week. Duke Davis and Ganon Jones, Jr. are on the sofa and our in-house 205 Live correspondent takes up a seat next to Producer Missy. Of course Sorg is on the switcher making all the magic come together as we talk about what happened this week in wrestling.
AwesomeCast 362: Windows Hipster
August 29th, 2017 | 49 mins 39 secs
We’ve got Ron “Krazy” Krause in studio this week joining Sorg and Katie, with Chilla reporting in from Studio C. They’re talking some of the current tech news.
John Cena is...Lightning McQueen, Jr. | Wrestling Mayhem Show 584
August 23rd, 2017 | Season 11 | 1 hr 19 mins
pittsburgh, podcast
It's been an interesting week in wrestling, and it's getting more interesting as we're joined by Greg Ochaba of the 501st Garrison Carida. It's a full house in studio with our guest Greg-O, Chad the Shad, Rizz, Matt Carlins, and Sorg. We've go tons to talk about after this weekend in wrestling - not to mention this week in wrestling.
Midweek War 8/17/17: Lucha Underground
August 18th, 2017 | 20 mins 8 secs
LIVE from Sorgatron Media Studio in Pittsburgh, PA! Mad Mike and Sorg talk about Lucha Underground.