Episode 620: Wrestling Mayhem Show 555: House of Cards Subject to Change

Episode 37956 · January 24th, 2017 · 1 hr 58 mins

About this Episode

    <p>We&#39;ve got IWC photographer - turned wrestler (?) Dan Hooven on for Wrestling Mayhem Show 555. He is joined by Bobby, Rizz, Matt, Sorg, and Mad Mike, as we talk what&#39;s happening in the world of wrestling this week!</p>

That's right. We have Dan Hooven LIVE IN STUDIO for this week's show with Rizz, Bobby, and Sorg.
IWC Wrestling photographer Dan Hooven was in the wrestling ring as a result of the IWC Reset Button this weekend.
Why do wrestlers destroy expensive equipment?
There's this thing called the Royal Rumble happening this weekend? We're sharing some thoughts.
Daniel Hooven taking pointers from Britt Baker for switching from behind the scenes to in ring.
Talking about John Cena talking "that guy from Atlanta" instead of dropping a name.
We're talking the Svelte Show (f/k/a The Big Show).
Do we want to see a continuation of the Best Friends? Or do we want an epic feud between Owens and Jericho?
There's going to be a statue of Ric Flair???
Sorg has been checking out the work Lagana has been doing with Billy and he's digging it.
What are you looking forward to with NXT Take Over this weekend?
We're digging Nikki Cross and Insanity.
How do we feel this NXT Take Over compares to the other Take Over events?
Dan Hooven is sharing how dreams come true with Ryback coming to IWC Wrestling's Meadville show!
Hooven is making a play for Ryback in the Royal Rumble.
Wrestling + Senate Confirmation Hearing. Rizz gives a 2.5 star rating.
Wrestling promo or Trump campaign stop? (We may have a new segment coming soon.)
Linda McMahon has never made an employee do anything she wouldn't do herself. (Watch WWE from the 90s.)
Daniel Hooven - Accidental Wrestler.
Thanks to Slice on Broadway for providing the perfect pepperoni pizza AND a surrogate big board for Mayhem Mania!
It's time for the Big Question! Who is your all-time favorite, "Big Hoss" wrestler?
Guys! We have Mayhem Mail from @cramoukji!!!!
We're hoping Plummer is listening. We're pushing Hooven into this whole being a wrestler thing!
Hooven will wrestle by color - it's like painting by color, right?
It's Mayhem Mania time! (Take it away Matt.) arm flail
Shout out to Garza (@TheWRevolution) for the awesome Mayhem Mania graphics.
Sorg, we know you want GOLDUST IN A SUIT!
Hooven is calling in Ryback for Mayhem Mania!
What did YOU learn in wrestling this week?
Listener Challenge - Call us with your immediate response to the Royal Rumble (412) 206-WMS0!
Follow our stable on Twitter: Dan Hooven (@DanielHooven), Bobby F Jtown (@BobbyFJtown), Rizz (@TheeRizz), Matt Carlins (@MainstreamMat), Mike Sorg (@sorgatron), and Mike Rohrssen (@MadMike4883).

If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice)and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)

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