Episode 237: WMS 191, October 27, 2009: Halloween Mayhem
Episode 37676 · October 27th, 2009 · 2 hrs 31 mins
About this Episode
<p>Sorg Mad Mike, and DJLunchbox are here and dressed for the Halloween occasion. We talk about the new Hulk Hogan announcement, the fallout from UFC 104, WWE Bragging Rights, and the rest of the wrestling news.</p>
This is Episode 191 for Tuesday, October 27, 2009. You can get the episode here on Talkshoe, subscribe, and as always, stay tuned towww.wrestlingmayhemshow.com for the latest! The Wrestling Mayhem Show is recorded live and can be heard/viewed from 8 PM to 10 PM Eastern on Talkshoe.comand Ustream.com. Let us know what you think of the show, and your thoughts on the wrestling world by emailing us at goodtimes@wrestlingmayhemshow.com! Donâ??t forget you can find links related to the showâ??s news stories and more at our Delicious Links Page for Episode 191!