AwesomeCast 513: World Rhino Day
Episode 3606 · September 23rd, 2020 · 1 hr 2 mins
About this Episode
This week’s episode brought to you by Slice on Broadway, and Sidekick Media Services.
Chatting the tech news of the week and celebrating WORLD RHINO DAY with our friend Chris Whitlatch of the International Rhino Foundation with Katie Dudas, John Chichilla and Mike Sorg!
- Katie is inspired by a man who redesigned the iPhone Home screen with MS Paint style icons using shortcuts!
- Chilla is looking to connect his Ring Doorbell and other home automation devices using Hoobs home automation...and maybe his Raspberry Pi?
- Sorg visited the Hall of Heroes Super Hero Museum in Elkhart, Indiana!
- We discuss with Christopher Whitlatch the technology behind tracking and countering poachers for the endangered Rhino species including cameras, trackers, GPS, and cloud software that need to function in the remote areas of Africa and Asia
- Wyze new lineup includes doorbell, noise cancelling headphones, and thermostat
- Xbox buys ZeniMax, the company that holds Bethesda: the publisher of Fallout, Doom and more big hits
- DC Universe will become a comics-only service on January 21st
- ‘Assassin’s Creed’ and ‘Splinter Cell’ are coming to Oculus
- Facebook's Infinite Office is a virtual office space for the WFH crowd
After the show remember to:
Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (
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