AwesomeCast 480: Her Backpack's Got Jets
Episode 3330 · February 5th, 2020 · 59 mins 40 secs
About this Episode
This week’s episode brought to you by Slice on Broadway, and Sidekick Media Services.
We've got Michael Sorg, Katie Dudas, and John Chichilla for this week's tech talk, including:
- Katie's got a new TV, and it's just one Awesome Thing of the Week for her!
- Katie bought a new TV - - - Part of the purchase experience was her explanation that her sole goal was to watch The Mandalorian with said TV.
- Part Deux of Katie's Awesome Thing of the Week is her new Boba Fett backpack.
- Chilla's Awesome Thing of the Week is Potato Pirates.
- Sorg has been using his Awesome Thing of the Week for the past couple of weeks. It's his new Zoom board.
- MoviePass promised a lot, and now they're filing for bankruptcy and may owe money to subscribers.
- PlayStation may bring remote play to Switch.
- Google may have accidentally shared Google Photos with other users.
- Waymo's self-driving vans will be carrying UPS packages in Phoenix.
- Voyage is using robot taxis to get senior citizens to and from within their community.
- Disney Plus has "26.5 million subscribers" and we're talking about how many of them are holding out for Season 2 of The Mandalorian and some other great programming.
- What happens when you load 99 phones in a wagon? Things definitely happen to Google Maps!
- Nvidia makes it possible to use the cloud for PC gaming options.
- Ancestry rejected a police warrant because of a technicality.
- Did you know Apple Arcade is a thing? They're looking to remind you through a creative ad blitz.
After the show remember to:
Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (
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