Fishing Without Bait 130: Mecha Depression Fest and Life Fatigue with Sheena Carroll

Episode 2444 · February 27th, 2018 · 17 mins 5 secs
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About this Episode

Jim Ellermeyer continues to chat with writer and poet Sheena Carroll as they discuss her interests in Spacecraft, which both fascinates and scares her, giant robots and dinosaurs, her “Miss Macross” moniker from Robotech.  We also discuss comfort zones and escaping them.  We discuss her blog and writing and the concept of “Life Fatigue” and our use of our time. Mecha Depression Fest dealing with stress and making the decision to make a change. 

Read more about “Mecha Depression Fest” here:

You can find more of Sheena Carroll's work online on Facebook ( Read her blog at and check out Girls Write Pittsburgh at

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Intro music: “Life” by Tobu.