AwesomeCast 365: Who Doesn't Want To Do Yoga Over A Frozen Body?

Episode 2242 · September 19th, 2017 · 55 mins 41 secs
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About this Episode

Chris Whitlatch joins Sorg and Chilla this week. In addition to some of the things he's working on with the Mon Valley Alliance, he's also working on an interesting project in Pittsburgh. The guys are otherwise talking about some interesting things in tech this week, including: AC

Chilla is sharing his Samsung Galaxy Note 8 as his Awesome Thing of the Week.
Chris is planning a roadtrip to Vegas for his Awesome Thing of the Week!
Dear Pittsburgh, please give us some VR options like Vegas has with Area 15.
Sorg is sharing vMix as his Awesome Thing of the Week.
We give a shout out to Hilltopolis happening later this week with The Cool Kids over in Mt. Washington. Check it out if you're in town.
Vote some Slice on Broadway and the Perfect Pepperoni Pizza, guys!
Who doesn't want to take a Red Light District tour through Pittsburgh? Chris is doing a cool thing.
Chris is sharing a Red Light District project in Pittsburgh.
TechShop may be closing in Pittsburgh, but they're looking at a rebirth.
Are you a Star Wars fan? There's workout equipment - just for you.
Haven't used your Android device in 60 days? Google will delete your back-up.
Chilla is sharing some Samsung-to-Samsung data swapping.
Cellular download limit upped to 150MB with the new update. Thank you Apple!
Sorg and Chilla are contemplating back-up options now that Sorg has no WiFi at home.
Snapchat 3D Bitmoji brought Sorg back to the platform.
After the show remember to:

Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (

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