AwesomeCast 350: Flying the Awesome Skies

Episode 2061 · May 30th, 2017 · 41 mins 48 secs
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About this Episode

This week, the boys are back! Sorg and Chilla are joined by Will Rutherford – as he makes his return to Podcast Day. The crew shares some of this week’s tech news for AwesomeCast 350, including:
Chilla is sharing his Awesome Thing of the Week – an Apple battery case that saved his recent travels.
Speaking of airport saves, Sorg also visited an airport store for his own iPhone accessory.
Sorg’s Awesome Thing of the Week is NOT the airport kiosk, but instead the Oculus Touch controller.
Will is sharing his Awesome Thing of the Week – it’s not the Essential phone. Instead, it’s his iPhone 6.
Will recently came back to iPhone from Android. He’s sharing why.
If his iPhone is a cheat, there’s also his PopSocket to share.
We’re giving a shout out to our friends on our Facebook Group who have shared over some great stories.
Like scuba diving but don’t want to deal with bulky air tanks? There’s a floating air caddie that can help.
Twitter has a new DM function that filters messages into a separate inbox.
T-Mobile is launching a Digits plan for multiple lines and/or multiple numbers.
We’re talking Nintendo Switch and Apple devices – and how they’re affecting each other.
Are you a musician? We’d love to talk updating our theme. Bonus points if you do it Mystery Science Theater style.

After the show remember to:

Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (

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Remember to check out our friends at River’s Edge (@RiversEdgePGH) and The 405 Media who replay the show on their stream throughout the week!

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