AwesomeCast 331: 12 Pounds of Intel Core

January 10th, 2017 · 59 mins 54 secs
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About this Episode

This week on AwesomeCast 331, we’re talking about awesome acthings in technology, including:

  • We've got Chilla in Studio C with Krause, Sorg, and Dudders in studio.
  • We're reworking our Patreon - and there WILL be AwesomeCast Gold in the near future.
  • Talking some hot merchandise with Chilla as his Awesome Thing Of The Week
  • Out of CES Chilla is bringing us the Razer 3-monitor laptop as his Awesome Thing Of The Week.
  • Dudders is focusing on the most important part of CES - augmented reality p0rn as her Awesome Thing Of The Week.
  • Krause follows with his Awesome Thing Of The Week - his first Uber ride (not from Sorg).
  • Sorg's Awesome Thing Of The Week is how Wendy's trolled someone so hard he deleted his account.
  • Wrestling Mayhem Show crossover: Wendy's discussion with TNA social media account also a thing.
  • Sorg's favorite never frozen pizza is Slice. We even did a Facebook LIVE with our favorite guys today! (Check it out.)
  • This week's App Of The Week is from Chilla - the Continual app (normally $7.99) is now free.
  • What's going on with Google Voice? Chilla is talking about some updates.
  • Mark Hamill dubbing Donald Trump tweets as The Joker?
  • Our friend Brandon let us know about the new LG tv that's less than 3mm thick.
  • Dudders is procrastinating stopping procrastinating. But, there's an app for that!
  • What is cooler than 3D medical imaging?
  • Fitbit bought Vector - another Pebble competitor. Chilla is sharing his thoughts.
  • Sorg got to attend the Ascender hackathon this weekend.
  • Keep an eye out for our Awesome Chat video with Ascender coming out later this week.
  • We're talking an ambulance drone that can assist in emergency response.
  • Uber just opened up city data.

After the show remember to:

Eat at Slice on Broadway if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (

Follow these awesome people on Twitter: John Chichilla (@chilla), Katie Dudas (@Kdudders), Ron Krause (@KrazyKrause) and Mike Sorg (@Sorgatron).

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