Untitled Episode

November 15th, 2016 · 1 hr 7 mins
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About this Episode

Katie is freaked out yet likes the new unified inbox for Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram on the Facebook Pages app.
Mike lauds the apparent return of the Butt Peach.
Chilla shows us the Platronics Voyager 5200 Bluetooth headset after some hands on.
Sorg loves the idea of the Vue "Everyday Smart Glasses" currently on Kickstarter.
Snapchat's Spectacles are available in random vending machine locations and changes video to circular.
Google's Photo Scan app allows you to "scan" photos and lose the glair.
We discuss the "fake news" problem on Facebook and Google.
Black Forge Coffee and Mega Cat Games has a Coffee Crisis game!
Mario on iOS is dated and priced!
Eat at Slice on Broadway if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (sliceonbroadway.com)

Follow these awesome people on Twitter: John Chichilla (@chilla, www.chillatech.net), Katie Dudas (@Kdudders, Scarehouse), Mike Pound (@unclecrappy, Beer Me) and Mike Sorg (@Sorgatron, SorgatronMedia.com).

Thanks to our Awesome Patreon @MikeFedorShow! You can support the show too at Patreon.com/awesomecast !

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