Talking Mayhem Mania: Round 4

Episode 36689 · February 19th, 2021 · 20 mins 48 secs
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About this Episode

Every year, we bring together fans, wrestlers and other folks. Our goal is to construct the BEST WrestleMania card that’s currently possible. Everyone under a WWE contract is eligible to use, as are those who are within the orbit of WWE’s influence. If Vince McMahon can do it, we can do it!

If you’re just tuning in, here’s how we got to this point.
Mayhem Mania 2021 – Opening Round
Mayhem Mania 2021 – Round 1
Mayhem Mania 2021 – Round 2

Not every WWE wrestler is eligible to use. Under the rules of Mayhem Mania, everyone comes in their current physical, emotional and contractual state. That means anyone out with an injury is NOT eligible to use. (We are ignoring COVID-19 diagnoses because this is supposed to be a fun diversion, not a reminder of the terrible things happening around us.)

Others are not eligible to use for a different reason. Some of them are locked in SPACE JAIL.

  • “Cell numbers” correspond with the numbers on our prize wheel SPACE JAIL is not a life sentence. A lucky spin of our prize wheel can free one of them, and that’s exactly what happened before Round 3. The prize wheel freed Ric Flair.

There’s no “double jeopardy” so anyone who escapes can not be locked up again during Mayhem Mania 2021.

5 players were invited onto the Wrestling Mayhem Show for Round 2 of Mayhem Mania 2021. Each can make ONE of the following changes to our card:

– SWAP one wrestler or team with one in another match on the card or replace them with a wrestler or team not currently on the card
– ADD a wrestler or team to an existing match
– DELETE a match in its entirety and replace it with a new match using entirely new wrestlers
– MATCH SWAP: This year, we have a designated “cinematic match” slot on our card. A player can choose to swap an existing match on the card for the match currently in that “cinematic match” slot.