Wrestling Mayhem Show 718: White Rabbit #LegSlap

Episode 3483 · June 10th, 2020 · 1 hr 36 mins
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About this Episode

This week’s episode brought to you by Indy Wrestling US, Slice on Broadway, and Sidekick Media Services.
"White Rabbit" Zack Rayne and Ronnie Starks join us to take a shot at discussing the wrestling world!

  • We talk about the fun NXT Takeover In Your House and that Todd Pettengill swag
  • Randy Orton criticizes NXT. Then we talk about headlocks
  • We talk with Zack Rayne about the Prospect Pro Wrestling Training Sessions
  • Big Question: What old WWE or WCW PPV would you like to get the In Your House throwback treatment?
  • We discuss last week’s homework: Diamond Dallas Page vs Sting – WCW Nitro – April 26, 1999
  • HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: Jeff Hardy vs. The Undertaker from WWE RAW Raw, July 1, 2002 Watch on WWE Network
  • What did you learn from pro wrestling this week?

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**A special shout out to our Manager Level Patreon supporters Occupy Pro Wrestling (@power2thesmarks) and Farnsworth Investments (@jworth)**
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Thanks to Basick Sickness (@basicksickness) for the awesome intro for the show.
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