AwesomeCast 492: Bobbleheads Will Bobble
Episode 3438 · April 29th, 2020 · 54 mins 27 secs
About this Episode
This week’s episode brought to you by Slice on Broadway, and Sidekick Media Services.
Amanda Narcisi returns to the show to join Katie Dudas and Mike Sorg as we take a look at this week's tech news topics, including:
- We're starting the top of the show off with some updates from Dudders and her Animal Crossing New Horizons upgrades.
- Amanda is taking the opportunity to learn about Wine And Spirits with Bar Smarts.
- As a secondary cool thing Amanda has been working on during #Quarantine, she's checking out Apple's Swift.
- Katie's Awesome Thing of the Week is Love Your Melon and the sweet hats she got.
- Sorg is sharing This Week in Tech's evening attire episode as his Awesome Thing of the Week. In lieu of listening, he pulled up the video to see what everyone was wearing!
- Looking for something to do with your Kids online during Quarantine? Frogpants Studio has kids drawing classes.
- Have you checked out the iPhoneSE? We're sharing some thoughts and taking a look at Halide's tear down and photography deep dive.
- What has everyone been doing during Quarantine? Apparently starting a Podcast as there are now more than a million podcasts out there.
- We're getting an Animal Crossing New Horizons update from Dudders . Did you know you could interact with your wallpaper?
- Really liked the Dunk Hunt zapper? There's a guy out there who modified a Glock just for the occasion.
- Work From Home has been harder for some more than others. We're talking about Reporter No Pants who happens to be Christopher Reeve's son.
- Boston Dynamics is helping COVID-19 patients with their Robot Dog.
- What if your mask looked like a Facehugger from Alien?Fortnite is becoming a great concert option as Travis Scott's event drew 12.3 million concurrent viewers!
After the show remember to:
Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (
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Follow these awesome people on Twitter: Amanda Narcisi (@alnarcisi), Michael Sorg (@Sorgatron), and Katie Dudas (@Kdudders)
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Remember to check out our friends at the The 405 Media (@The405Radio), and Postindustrial Audio (@post_industry) who replay the show on their stream throughout the week!
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