AwesomeCast 486: Furry Hazmat Suits
Episode 3380 · March 17th, 2020 · 1 hr 1 min
About this Episode
This week’s episode brought to you by Slice on Broadway, and Sidekick Media Services.
While the City of Pittsburgh may be in a state of self-quarantine, the crew can still gather on the internet! We've got Sorg, Katie, Ryan Haggerty, and Chilla on to talk this week in tech news, including:
- Katie is sharing her present and future Awesome Thing of the Week to help her get through her isolation - - Animal Crossing!
- More video game options - - Ryan Haggerty is sharing Castlevania Symphony of the Night as his Awesome Thing of the Week.
- Chilla's Awesome Thing of the Week is actually Scot MacTaggart and his great use of Zoom and Slack to keep people connected.
- Sorg is sharing Netflix Party as his Awesome Thing of the Week.
- Thanks to Amanda for sharing how to clean our Apple products!
- We're getting some really great updates on Apple TV (just in time for our self-quarantine) including Central Park from the co-creator of Bob's Burgers.
- Speaking of great options to cut the cord, there's a Beastie Boys documentary coming out, too.
- Among many things that have cancelled, E3 2020 hit the list. We're sharing some general thoughts.
- Apple's WWDC is getting ahead of the curve by moving to an online format.
- Pornhub is giving away free premium access during the Coronavirus outbreak.
- We're checking out Concept Board as an online whiteboard option.
- We're checking out some of the things content creators like Stephen Colbert are doing to do their shows without an audience.
- Can't go to the zoo or aquarium? A few places are live streaming options.
- Headspace and other meditation and calming platforms have free options to help people re-center during this period of uncertainty.
- Did you know you could share your digital movie library on iTunes?
- Nvidia is using spare GPU clock cycles to help fight COVID-19.
- KIVA is running a webinar to help small business adapt to changes during the Coronavirus shutdown.
- Looking for an app to keep you up to date with location-based news alerts? Everbridge is a great option.
After the show remember to:
Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (
Want to be part of our studio audience? Hit us up at and we’ll save you a seat!
Join our AwesomeCast Facebook Group to see what we’re sharing and to join the discussion!
Follow these awesome people on Twitter: Michael Sorg (@Sorgatron), Katie Dudas (@Kdudders), Ryan Haggerty (@haggertymedia), and John Chichilla (@chilla)
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Remember to check out our friends at the The 405 Media (@The405Radio), and Postindustrial Audio (@post_industry) who replay the show on their stream throughout the week!
Also, check out and for more entertainment; and view us livestreaming Tuesdays around 7:00 PM EST