AwesomeCast 483: Have You Met My Tera Flop?
Episode 3356 · February 26th, 2020 · 57 mins 50 secs
About this Episode
This week’s episode brought to you by Slice on Broadway, and Sidekick Media Services.
We’re LIVE with Amanda, Krause, and Sorg to talk this week in geeky things and tech news, including:
- Amanda's Awesome Thing is the Vimeo Create app and she talks about how she's currently making her Instagram Stories for Bold Pittsburgh .
- Krause updates us on why he's still with the iPhone and Amanda discusses what made her ditch Google Android in the first place.
- Sorg's Awesome Thing is the awesome Industrial Light and Magic LED set for The Mandalorian running on Unreal Engine.
- Apple could let you switch default apps on iPhone soon.
- Not Awesome: Mobile World Congress exhibitors won't get refunds for the cancelled show.
- Hasbro is bringing back Tiger Electronics gaming handhelds for better or worse.
- What does the Xbox Series X specs look like and what is a teraflop?
After the show remember to:
Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (
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Follow these awesome people on Twitter: Amanda Narcisi (@alnarcisi ), Ron Krause (@KrazyKrause), and Sorg (@Sorgatron)
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Remember to check out our friends at the The 405 Media (@The405Radio), and Postindustrial Audio (@post_industry) who replay the show on their stream throughout the week!
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