Fishing Without Bait 182: Transformation With Natalie Bencivenga

Episode 2919 · March 5th, 2019 · 24 mins 19 secs
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About this Episode

James Ellermeyer is joined by Natalie Bencivenga who is excited about changes in her life. We discuss her upbringing including going to medical school and the pressures she put on herself, listening to yourself, the lessons of integrity and creative arts, influencing young women that deal with similar issues, taking care of yourself, not allowing people to evolve and grow, and more!

“You don’t have to listen to every thought that pops in your head..”

You can read Natalie’s work as part of Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s SEEN and follow her on Twitter at @NBSeen

Natalie is the cohost of The Broadcast Podcast. You can listen to her interviews at .

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