AwesomeCast 432: Unsolicited GIFs
Episode 2892 · February 13th, 2019 · 1 hr 1 min
About this Episode
This week’s episode brought to you by Professor Buzzkill, Slice on Broadway, and Alex Kahrs Design & Media!
Katie, Chilla, and Sorg are back in studio to run down the tech news you should know about, including:
- Katie is sharing the Butterfly Effect podcast as her Awesome Thing of the Week.
- Want to listen to your porn industry podcast episodes? Chilla recommends the Plantronics Rig 500 headset!
- Sorg had a chance to play some Apex Legends after last week's episode. He's sharing his thoughts.
- LinkedIn debuts LinkedIn Live.
- Do you know who's on LinkedIn? We're talking about some audience observations we've seen.
- The International Space Station uses a 3D printer to recycle old plastics into custom tools.
- PlayStation Classic has dropped in price, again.
- Remember those all-in-one video units with a built-in DVD player? Katie is totally getting the hook-up to get one.
- Amazon has launched a new home shopping channel live-streamed through an app.
- Is the Amazon home shopping channel feature a hybrid of QVC and Shark Tank?
- Speaking of Amazon, they bought Eero. Do you trust them with your WiFi?
- A digital billboard in Odessa went down because of fog - leaving a giant error code in the sky!
- Is Instagram bringing us desktop messaging?
After the show remember to:
Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (
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