AwesomeCast 430: Pyramid Scheming Myself
Episode 2872 · January 30th, 2019 · 1 hr 1 min
About this Episode
This week’s episode brought to you by Comic Book Pitt, Slice on Broadway, and Alex Kahrs Design & Media!
Katie, Chilla, and Sorg are back in studio joined by John Carman this week to run down the tech news you should know about, including:
- Chilla is sharing TiVO's CommercialSkip and the way they're working it for the Super Bowl as his Awesome Thing of the Week.
- Katie is filming birds (instead of flipping them) with the Bird Photo Booth as her Awesome Thing of the Week.
- Sorg's Awesome Thing of the Week is iCloud files + Apple Clips + iMovie for quick social media edits of some video content - including Episode 429's Pornhub discussion.
- Apple is reportedly working on a subscription gaming service.
- Were you a fan of Farmville back in the day? There's good news. Competitive virtual farming is getting its own esports league!
- After the last episode, Carman apparently found a different Fyre TV that is most definitely not related to Fyre Festival. [NOTE: Link NSFW]
- Facebook has been paying teens $20 a month to access their phones?
- Having trouble with Facebook generating the wrong image for your link? There's a fix for it. Katie is sharing what she recently learned.
- We're sharing some thoughts on the FaceTime bug.
- Someone is trying to recreate Legend of Zelda in DOOM, and needs a hand.
- Amazon has a cute little robot that helps with deliveries.
- Netflix may have raised prices, but Hulu is lowering its basic service price.
- Looking for a way to smoke without being detected? Philter is offering a filter to eliminate smoke and smell.
- Innovation at a slow walking pace.
After the show remember to:
Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (
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