AwesomeCast 426: The Brave Little Toaster Problem
Episode 2827 · December 18th, 2018 · 1 hr 27 mins
About this Episode
This week’s episode brought to you by Pittsburgh Things, Core Life Eatery, Sprezzatura, Slice on Broadway, and Alex Kahrs Design & Media!
It's that time of year when we get ready to take some time off to spend the holidays with our families. But, that also means that it's time for our year-end wrap up with our Awesome Thing of the Year items and predictions. This week we're talking about:
- Chilla is sharing Nintendo Switch as one of his Awesome Thing of the Year candidates.
- Chilla is also sharing Apple Music on Amazon as his Awesome Thing of the Year.
- For those who have followed Chilla's track record of tech items, he has 7 screens with him in studio for this episode.
- Cynthia is sharing Google Home's partnership with Disney and Little Golden Books as her Awesome Thing of the Year.
- Krause is sharing Microsoft Ignite as his professional Awesome Thing of the Year.
- Krause is sharing Google Home and home automation as his home version Awesome Thing of the Year.
- Uncle Crappy is sharing email as his Awesome Thing of the Year. (Yes, you read that right - email.)
- Sorg is sharing his Pokemon GO as his Awesome Thing of the Year.
- We're running down last year's predictions. Let's see which ones happened, and which ones didn't!
- Now that we've figured out what we got right and wrong in last year's predictions, it's time for our 2019 predictions in tech:
Chilla: Video based communications will grow to a point that starts to threaten audio only
Cynthia: Netflix will maintain the lead in SVOD, but it will lose ground outside the US.
Sorg: A new Social Media/Media player will rise
Crappy: AI will become more prevalent in journalism
Krause: I think we will see even more integration when it comes to home automation. People are going to start talking to everything.
After the show remember to:
Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (
Check out our sponsors as a part of YaJagoff’s HOLLA-day Gift Guide:
- Pittsburgh Things Pittsburgh themed apparel n’at.
- Core Life Eatery at the Block at Northway on McKnight Rd
- Sprezzatura creates and serves heritage-inspired cooking for events and the public.
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Follow these awesome people on Twitter: Sorg (@Sorgatron), Chilla (@chilla), Krause (@KrazyKrause), Cynthia Closkey (@cynthiacloskey) and Mike Pound (@unclecrappy)
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