Wrestling Mayhem Show 623: Midweek Infinity War

Episode 2597 · June 20th, 2018 · 1 hr 39 mins
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About this Episode

This week’s episode brought to you by Slice on Broadway, Occupy Pro Wrestling, and Indy Wrestling US!

Todd DeFazio of Idiot Radio returns to the show this week. He is joined by Mad Mike, Mainstream Matt, Larry, and Sorg, as they're on the heels of Money in the Bank. This week's topics include:

Reading Rainbow meets Wrestling with Nino Wrestles the World.
Sorg may be cashing in MITB on Idiot Radio's belt.
NXT Takeover was this past weekend - a/k/a I'm sorry Sunday night show.
Matt likes NXT because it has a happy ending.
It was nice to see Daniel Eads make a cameo appearance (and get his butt kicked a little) on NXT Takeover.
NXT is like the Bachelor / Bachelorette party to the WWE marriage.
Big Cass and WWE are going their separate ways?
James Ellsworth returned - the highlight of MITB!
So....Rhonda Rousey, guys.
WWE is the equivalent of wrestling Walmart.
How do you know if you're in an abusive relationship with wrestling? Asking for a friend.
When it Reigns it bores! (Thanks for that one Idiot Radio!)
Sorg is thinking that this year's MITB (men's match) was solid. It pretty much had everyone expected to be in it, and it wasn't obvious who was going to win it.
Sorg is pitching Rhonda Rousey as the Andre the Giant of the current women's division.
In a time long, long away - in a galaxy far, far away, the UK Tournament is happening in some capacity.
Also - We're getting a NXT UK! Woooo!
The New Day took on The Elite for a Street Fighter battle at E3. It was as amazing as we could have ever hoped!
If anything happens to Xavier Woods in WWE, he's got a solid background to be a videogamer.
Sorg just did some math. There is 14 hours of new wrestling content - in the US - each week.
To clarify, we're talking Bubba the Bulldog, not Bubba the Love Sponge as an inspiration for Todd.
This week's Big Question: Along the lines of F**/Marry/Kill - If you could hire someone to WWE, fire someone from WWE, and return a WWE alum, who would your picks be?
Rusev Day happened to fall on Rey Mysterio Day!
We saw the obituary for El Jefe, and we're talking some Lucha Underground observations.
In Lucha Underground we trust!
What did YOU learn in wrestling this week?
Billed from the back of the Hot Topic, it's Aleister Black.
When you realize of the Enzo / Cass/ Carmella trio that Carmella is the one who's left behind - with Gold. *Mind Blown

Remember that poster we were giving away? We took our list of Patreon supporters, booted up WWE 2K16, and let the bots settle it out. Congratulations to Bradley for winning the Skyscraper poster! Want to catch the Patreon bot fight we used to determine the winner? See it here.

Want a chance to win a Blockers poster? Become our patreon for a chance to win! (Even if it's for $1.)

Follow our stable on Twitter: Todd DeFazio (@IDIOTRADIONET), Mad Mike (@MadMike4883), Matt (@MainstreamMat), Larry (@MutilatorLarry), and Sorg (@Sorgatron).

If you are in Pittsburgh, you’ve got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)

You can support the show at Patreon.com/wrestlingmayhemshow!

Go to wrestlingmayhemshow.com for more entertainment!

Thanks to Basick Sickness (@basicksickness) for the awesome intro for the show.

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