Wrestling Mayhem Show 619: Booyaka, Booyaka

Episode 2554 · May 15th, 2018 · 1 hr 27 mins
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About this Episode

This week’s episode brought to you by Slice on Broadway, Occupy Pro Wrestling, and Indy Wrestling US!

Toddy (and friends) from the THRIFTY Podcast joins us to talk some of our favorite things this week! As usual, our guest is joined by a shake-up of our own talent pool. This week we’ve got Bobby F-Jtown, Larry, and Sorg talking this week in wrestling, including:

Toddy brought some friends for this week’s podcast – just about all of his Wrestling Buddy pals.
We’ve got Bobby meeting Toddy and comparing their collectibles.
We’re learning that Funko Pops are formidable when stacked.
Is CM Punk going to be at All In?
10K tickets for All In sold in under 30 minutes?!?!
King of Trios is the same weekend as All In. THIS is why we <3 wrestling.
The Rey Mysterio backpack may be the scariest thing we’ve seen in a while.
This week’s Big Question: What is the most singable/earworm WWE entrance music?
It’s Episode 619 – so we have to spend some time talking about Mr. 619 himself, Rey Mysterio.
What did YOU learn in wrestling this week?
Want a physics-defying Skyscraper poster? Become our patreon for a chance to win! (Even if it’s for $1.)

Follow our stable on Twitter: Toddy (@THRIFTYpodcast), Bobby F-Jtown (@BobbyFJtown), Larry (@MutilatorLarry), and Sorg (@Sorgatron).

If you are in Pittsburgh, you’ve got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)

You can support the show at Patreon.com/wrestlingmayhemshow!

Go to wrestlingmayhemshow.com for more entertainment!

Thanks to Basick Sickness (@basicksickness) for the awesome intro for the show.

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