Wrestling Mayhem Show 614: Mayhem Up All Night

Episode 2502 · April 11th, 2018 · 2 hrs 16 mins
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About this Episode

We're LIVE for this week's Podcast with Billy and women's wrestler Honey Badger in studio!

Shout out to Michael Watson and his TheWrestlers PhotoBook project. We got our copy!
So. Much. Wrestling. This weekend was RIDICULOUS - in a good way.
So...Karaoke at WWE Hall of Fame?
We think one of the best parts of the Hall of Fame is the old stories. But, with all the backstage stuff the WWE Network is doing these days, we get those stories elsewhere.
We were super happy to see the return of the Salmon Jacket during Mark Henry's induction to the Hall of Fame.
NXT Takeover set the bar for WrestleMania weekend and what a bar it was!
Sorry ladies for having to follow up that Ladder Match.
Gargano v Ciampa was everything we wanted it to be.
The IndyIntegration over WrestleMania weekend was good to see!
A few people we know took the opportunity to get in front of as many eyes as possible at all the Indy Wrestling shows for WrestleMania weekend - like Dakota Kai who wrestled 6x!
Since we talked about Hall of Fame and NXT Takeover, we're ready for some WrestleMania chat!
Thanks to @ReginaHBadger for stating the obvious - the Diva Cup shaped like an actual "Diva Cup."
The Womens Battle Royal trophy was probably the brain child of the same person who thought Great Balls Of Fire would be a good PPV.
Charlotte vs Asuka was as amazing as we expected it.
Leave it to the Nia Jax win to make our guest @ReginaHBadger cry tears of joy!
So....Ronda Rousy...we have mixed thoughts - including some Tilted Kilt references, but kudos to a legit match on the biggest stage at WrestleMania.
Spoiler: There are no good guys in UFC.
WTH WWE? Nicholas wasn't even a Make A Wish kid?!?!?
Not cool JohnCena. That spot had to happen at that particular moment? You couldn't let the women have their moment?
OH: Undertaker looked beautiful - and I'm not talking about the extensions.
Elias killed it.
RELATED: May have been the only time we were legit pissed at Elias. HE'S NO UNDERTAKER!
MayhemMania is put away until next year. But, it's the return of the Big Question! This week's question: What makes WrestleMania different from any other wrestling show that WWE does?
Why ISN'T WrestleMania considered for an Emmy?
Our guest @ReginaHBadger is sharing some thoughts on Intergender matches in WWE.
What did YOU learn in wrestling this week?
Heading to WrestleMania? If you see a Mayhemmer, say hi! If that Mayhemmer’s Mad Mike, give him a chop and send us a pic or video clip. We’ll include it on next week’s show!

Our good friend, Rizz is raising money and awareness through the Dick’s Sporting Goods Foundation Team Pittsburgh 2018 Pittsburgh Marathon. Check out his fundraiser page at: https://www.crowdrise.com/dsgfpitt2018/fundraiser/zachrizza

Follow our stable on Twitter: Honey Badger (@reginahbadger)Billy Johnson (@billyj64), Larry (@MutilatorLarry), Sorg (@Sorgatron), and Rizz (@RizzPlaysGames)

If you are in Pittsburgh, you’ve got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)

You can support the show at Patreon.com/wrestlingmayhemshow!

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