AwesomeCast 383: Tesla in Space

Episode 2420 · February 6th, 2018 · 1 hr 1 min
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About this Episode

We’re going to the moon this week, or at least into space? Wherever we’re going, it’s with Sorg, Chilla, and Carman as they’re talking about:

Sorg is starting off with his Awesome Thing of the Week from Lyft.
We’re comparing some Lyft v Uber horror stories with Sorg and Carman.
Carman’s Awesome Thing of the Week is the SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch, but especially the Tesla in Space!
Chilla’s Awesome Thing of the Week is Patreon integration with photo and video app features.
We’re having an interesting discussion about live video editing broadcast via streaming video options.
Pittsburgh has a fish fry map. And, it’s glorious!
Remember the guy who turned his cat into a drone? He’s working on a helicopter cow!
Hado gives us an AR esports tournament, and we’re pretty happy with it.
Speaking of glasses… Intel is developing the new smart glasses.
How much are you willing to spend on a new phone?
We’re going to SPACE! (At least with our discussion.)
Did you catch the Curiosity rover’s images from Mars?
A lost Mayan city has been discovered!
After the show remember to:

Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (

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