Wrestling Mayhem Show 603: Rowe, Rowe, Rowe Your Boat - Right to WWE

Episode 2395 · January 16th, 2018 · 1 hr 34 mins
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About this Episode

The snow may be accumulating here in Pittsburgh, that won't keep us from podcasting! We've got "The Bearcat" Keith Haught, Mad Mike, and Rizz on remote with Sorg in studio manning the switcher as we talk about this week in wrestling:

Mad Mike may have a shot at the WWE tagteam championship. He's telling us all about it.
WWE has some new talent coming to the performance center, including some Friend of the Show nods!
Mad Mike is calling for War Machine v. The Revival. We've got grins like it's Christmas morning over here.
Keith Haught is putting over Ray Rowe as we're talking some of his history in IWC Wrestling.
So, Stephanie McMahon tweeted about an RMU class here in Pittsburgh this week.
RAW 25 is next week - and we're SO EXCITED!
We're calling for Damien Sandow to come back as Damien Demento for RAW 25.
Our favorite moment of the Braun Strowman rampage on RAW? Cake guy.
With some of the recent news developments regarding WWE superstars, we're talking about how things have changed with how it's handled.
This week's Big Question: What is your LEAST favorite RAW moment?
We missed Mad Mike's 2018 predictions during our year-end show, but he DID e-mail us (we just missed it). He is sharing his predictions now.
Sorg has been looking at alternative options for watching wrestling. He's sharing his thoughts.
We're discovering that Impact Wrestling and Twitch mean different things for Mad Mike and Sorg.
Sorg is interested in watching Friend of the Show RJ City on Impact Wrestling.
What did YOU learn in wrestling this week?
Mad Mike learned that Braun Strowman beat Optimus Prime on RAW last night!
Sorg wants to thank Black Diamond Wrestling for making 305 Live a legit thing with their Hoss Tournament.
Fan of the show, Brandon Mynatt, will be a participant in the 2018 Special Olympics as part of the Team Missouri Bowling Team. (Donate at: http://give.somo.org/site/TR?px=1073149&fr_id=1190&pg=persona)

Follow our stable on Twitter: Keith Haught (@HaughtJr), Rizz (@Theerizz), Mad Mike (@MadMike4883) and Sorg (@Sorgatron)

If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)

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