Wrestling Mayhem Show 601: Nipple H

Episode 2378 · January 3rd, 2018 · 1 hr 36 mins
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About this Episode

This week International Wrestling Cartel commentator Farnsworth joins us to kick of 2018 in wrestling fandom! We discuss:

WMS-601Our hometown boy Elias has been mixing it up with John Cena
Vince McMahon is possibly venturing into MMA and pro football again. What could this mean?

What is the Mixed Match Challenge, and why is it on Facebook Watch? And how do I wear it?
The Women's Royal Rumble is announced. But what would we like to happen in it?

We discuss the recent Absolute Intense Wrestling show where Sid Vicious didn't show. And his reasons may not actually surprise you.
We preview Wrestle Kingdom 12 and plan for our slumber party watch after deciding exactly which day it's on?

Fan of the show, Brandon Mynatt, will be a participant in the 2018 Special Olympics as part of the Team Missouri Bowling Team. (Donate at: http://give.somo.org/site/TR?px=1073149&fr_id=1190&pg=persona)

Follow our stable on Twitter: , IWC Commentator Farnsworth (@jworth), Larry (@MutilatorLarry), Sorg (@Sorgatron), Mad Mike (@MadMike4883) and Alex Kahrs (@power2thesmarks, www.occupyprowrestling.com)

If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)

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