Wrestling Mayhem Show 600: 600 Tuesdays

Episode 2363 · December 13th, 2017 · 1 hr 28 mins
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About this Episode

Things are getting a little mayhemmy for our year-end Christmas episode. We've even got our favorite imaginary friend in studio as we're joined by Billy Ruxpin! But, wait - there's more. We've pulled good ol' Dj Lunchbox off the shelf and dusted him off just for the occasion! WMS 600

This week we're not only recapping the week in wrestling - we're also recapping the year in wrestling.
We've been doing this for 600 Tuesdays?
Rizz is sharing some memories from his previous experiences for the STD Christmas episode.
Dj Lunchbox has not been involved with wrestling in some time. This is the episode where we're getting him caught up on what's happened since his hiatus.
What did YOU learn in wrestling this year?
We're running through our predictions from last year - to see who got it right for 2017 before we make our predictions for 2018:

2018 WWE Predictions:
Sorg: Enzo will be the UK Champion.
Billy Ruxpin: Daniel Bryan will wrestle at Wrestlemania. (Against Kurt Angle?)
LB: Something bad will happen with Kurt Angle and he'll have to go away.
Bobby: Nakamura's going to with the Royal Rumble and challenge AJ Styles at Wrestlemania.
Wheelz: Enzo and Cass reunite and become tag team champions.
Rizz: WWE will pick up Ethan Carter, III.
Larry: Next year we'll have a women's tagteam championship.
Bryan: Shane is going to take another stupid ass bump like Hell in a Cell.

2018 WMS Predictions:
Sorg: Bobby will start his own independent show outside of WMS.
Billy Ruxpin: Will be back on the show for 2018.
LB: Former WWE/F wrestler will be in-studio.
Bobby: We will overdub a movie, and Sorg will actually release it this time.
Wheelz: Wheelz will make his in-studio debut for AwesomeCast and WMS.
Rizz: We will have a live WMS show at either RWA or IWC.
Larry: Sorg will not remember STD Christmas special, and will not watch it afterwards.
Bryan: Bryan will be a semi-regular audience member/show member.

Fan of the show, Brandon Mynatt, will be a participant in the 2018 Special Olympics as part of the Team Missouri Bowling Team. (Donate at: http://give.somo.org/site/TR?px=1073149&fr_id=1190&pg=persona)

Follow our stable on Twitter: Billy Ruxpin (@billyruxpin), Bobby F J-Town (@BobbyFJtown), Bryan, Sorg (@Sorgatron), Larry (@MutilatorLarry), DJ Lunchbox (@DjLunchbox), Rizz (@TheeRizz), and Wheelz (@HotwheelzRWA).

If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)

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