AwesomeCast 376: The Wheels on the VR Desert Bus

Episode 2356 · December 5th, 2017 · 56 mins 28 secs
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About this Episode

It’s just the boys this week! But, Sorg and Chilla hold down the fort as they share this week’s news in tech. This week they’re talking about:

It’s our last episode before our Christmas edition next week, and we’re feeling pretty festive already.
Sorg is sharing his Awesome Thing of the Week. Desert Bus is (finally) on VR!
Chilla has some Android news as his Awesome Thing of the Week with a file-to-file transfer option.
Sorg is discussing just how much data our tech savvy household uses. It’s almost staggering.
There’s a YouTube video from 1999 that talks about Amazon. It’s amazing.
Whiteboard app is coming to Microsoft.
According to Sorg, Nintendo is like the Disney vault of video games.
With games like Animal Crossing, where’s the Legend of Zelda integration for our phones?
Amazon is not happy with Google. Or is that the other way around?
YouTube will no longer be available on Amazon devices?!?!
How about a stripped down blogging tool without social media tools? There’s such a thing to get you back to the basics of blogging, without the bells and whistles.
HP has a wearable computer for VR!
Google updated Google Home to now accept multiple commands. Chilla has been waiting for this day for so long.
Sorg is showing off his teddy bears.
After the show remember to:

Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (

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