Wrestling Mayhem Show 597: Paul Heyman is an Evil Genius

Episode 2345 · November 22nd, 2017 · 1 hr 20 mins
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About this Episode

He's no Paul Heyman, but we can afford his booking fees! That's right, Church makes the drive to the new studio to join us on the big purple couch. He joins Larry, Chad, and Sorg to talk this week in wrestling, including:

Larry is ready to jump right in with some War Games discussion!
So wait - NO ROOF for War Games?
Larry was impressed with Velveteen Dream during War Games.
Of course Sorg is talking about the video implications involved with War Games.
As crazy as War Games is - remember that Arn Anderson has been involved in 18 of them.
Wondering what we're talking about? WWE has a War Games section on the WWE Network.
Check out some of the NXT talent you're seeing on WWE - quite a few of them have some great content on the Indy Wrestling scene.
We enjoy watching Booker T because it reminds us of Drunk Uncle Booker.
We're talking some Survivor Series!
Survivor Series became Bragging Rights.
Shield v New Day match made us feel pretty good.
Shinsuke having a chance to lock up with HHH was pretty awesome.
We got some opportunities to see some great matches that we normally haven't seen at Survivor Series.
Paul Heyman is an Evil Genius.
Has the UK Championship become the new European Title?
This week's Big Question is in the spirit of Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for in wrestling?
There's been a bit of an invasion happening with NXT talent showing up on RAW and Smackdown. We're sharing some thoughts.
What did YOU learn in wrestling this week?
Fan of the show, Brandon Mynatt, will be a participant in the 2018 Special Olympics as part of the Team Missouri Bowling Team. (Donate at: http://give.somo.org/site/TR?px=1073149&fr_id=1190&pg=persona)

Follow our stable on Twitter: Church (@RingRevChurch), Larry (@MutilatorLarry), Sorg (@Sorgatron), and Bobby F J-Town (@Bobbyfjtown).

If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)

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