AwesomeCast 355: Parsing with Yik Yak

Episode 2126 · July 11th, 2017 · 1 hr 17 secs
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About this Episode

We’re counting down the days in Mayhem Studio before moving to our fancy new studio space! Join Sorg, Chilla, and Katie as they talk what’s new in tech this week for AwesomeCast 355, including:
Sorg has a rundown of devices you can run Doom on as his Awesome Thing of the Week this week.
Chilla brings us Store Parser – a smart way to sort the entire XBox Store as his Awesome Thing of the Week.
Katie brings us some MIT, Kinect, and free software for 3D scans of t-rex skulls as her Awesome Thing of the Week this week.
Thanks to Chris Whitlatch for sharing a VR Studios announcement for some VRstudios news about VRcade.
Yik Yak is dead – officially.
Nintendo Switch is getting a Joy-Con keyboard attachment!
Ubuntu Linux is available in the Windows Store, and Sorg tells us how and why you should check it out.
Interested in replaying to Instagram stories with a photo or video? Now you can!
Waze will let you record your own custom voice prompts!
Pour one out for the Microsoft Windows 8.1 phone.
Ever wish your adult toys would sync with your adult video? Pornhub has the hook-up.
Are you a musician? We’d love to talk updating our theme. Bonus points if you do it Mystery Science Theater style.

After the show remember to:

Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (

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