AwesomeCast 348: AIY Is The New DIY

Episode 2020 · May 9th, 2017 · 52 mins 35 secs
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About this Episode

Sorg, Chilla, and Katie are talking about some of this week’s tech news for AwesomeCast 348, including:

We’re turning down the geek knob a little and getting into this week’s Awesome Cast (Special Edition).
Shout out to our Pittsburgh Marathon peeps as it’s the thing to do during marathon weekend.
It’s time for our Awesome Thing of the Week and Katie has a Google Docs PSA.
Katie is deep-diving some things we may take for granted with app permission authorizations.
Google Docs phishing attack tips: Check before opening. Use a 2-step authentication process to help circumvent.
Chilla is sharing Annotable as his Awesome Thing of the Week.
Annotable has handy tools for editing screenshots and pictures on the go.
Sorg is sharing a Raspberry Pi kit (get it with Mag Pi) to turn it into a dirt cheap Google Home competitor.
AIY is DIY for tech! (Automate It Yourself)
Sorg is a fan of electronics and cardboard options.
We have lots of stories from folks in our Facebook group!
Thanks to Brandon for sharing the Alexa Bliss and Amazon Echo story. Sorg’s worlds are colliding.
Thanks to Doug for sharing a life hack tip for IFTTT (If This Then That) keeping track of ideas while driving.
Hey Trello can you get us Siri support to help integration flow a little smoother?
Uncle Crappy hit us up with a Beer Week wrap-up and a Chachi sighting!
Thanks to Chris Whitlatch for letting us know about an augmented reality UAV game.
Katie is telling us how easy it is to find porn on Tumblr using your iPhone.
Chilla has a cross-platform, streamable VR video player he’s telling us about.
Don’t drive with your VR headset on, kids.
The Hulu Live TV platform has launched. Sorg is sharing some thoughts.
Not a sports fan? Hulu Live TV offers a no-sports package (unlike cable TV packages).
We liked when Facebook brought us interactions for posts. We’re happy that they’ve extended it to comments!
Katie is sharing some thoughts on Facebook reactions and how she uses it for marketing.
Do you miss having a physical keyboard on your phone? Samsung is offering a physical keyboard overlay.
After the show remember to:

Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (

Follow these awesome people on Twitter: Mike Sorg (@Sorgatron), John Chichilla (@chilla), and Katie Dudas (@Kdudders).

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Remember to check out our friends at River’s Edge (@RiversEdgePGH) and The 405 Media who replay the show on their stream throughout the week!

Also, check out and for more entertainment; and view us livestreaming Tuesdays around 7:00 PM EST!